We know how busy you are. We understand how easy it is for continuous compliance, document and credentialing management tasks to slip through the cracks. So we are hands on. All PolicyPLUS clients are assigned an account manager that will work with you to insure all tasks are complete. Your account manager will be responsible for helping you manage your Site Visit Protocol (SVP) evidence, documents, employee training, credentials, and quality management tasks for as long as you’re a client.

PolicyPLUS™ was developed from the ground up with a focus on the compliance needs of Federally Qualified Health Centers FQHC's, with sensitivity to costs and resources. Each feature responds to many community health center's experience with the same policy, procedure, and compliance management challenges you face. It features ease of use, ease of implementation, and affordable cost.

Total330™Continuous Compliance module can help insure that your health center is always ready for the next Operational Site Visit (OSV) giving you peace of mind and confidence.

Policy PLUS™ Modules Details

Breaking News!
The Total330 HRSA Site Visit Protocol (SVP)
Continuous Compliance Module is here.

Benefits include:

  • Continuous Compliance to HRSA Site Visit Protocol (SVP). You can always be ready for the next FQHC Operational Site Visit (OSV).
  • Document management for FQHC policies, procedures, protocols, forms, templates & more.
  • Robust documented employee training.
  • Credentialing management, including the management of credentialing cycles as well as each individual credential.
  • Quality and Performance management; track organizational KPIs, provider KPIs, and detailed work plans.
  • Availability of an evaluation and gap analysis of your existing policies.

Other benefits include access to hundreds of healthcare policies, protocols, procedures, forms, job descriptions, and much more through PolicyAssist™.

Click here to learn why You Need Policy PLUS™